"Dedicated to the preservation and enjoyment of skiing with wooden skis"

Jackrabbit Ski Wax

Jackrabbit Johannsen had three children, Alice (1911–1992), Robert "Bob" (1915–2001) and Peggy (1918–2014).

Bob and Peggy went to McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Peggy studied botany and Bob studied chemistry. In addition to their school involvements, they were both accomplished skiers.

In Bob’s senior year in 1939, he went into production of his Jackrabbit Ski Lacquer, a concoction that he thought would revolutionize skiing. He formed a production line with his mother, friends, and fellow skiers at his apartment, filling thousands of bottles of the ski lacquer. Labels had an image of a cottontail rabbit designed by Pat Paré, one of the avid skiers taking part in all of this.

Jackrabbit Johannsen was the official salesman, going to sporting goods stores and ski clubs. Twenty years after its inception, Jackrabbit Ski Wax became a strong force in the face of competition.

Source: "The Legendary Jackrabbit Johannsen" by Alice E. Johannsen

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